I finished up my first workshop this weekend. I placed the order Monday afternoon and received the boxes Friday night!! I was very impressed how quickly the order came. Friday night was spent organizing the supplies and playing with our new products!! Saturday I delivered the orders to finalize my workshop. Here are some pictures from my first workshop order. I am definitely looking forward to my next workshop Friday. I hope to achieve at least $300 so my hostess can receive her benefits. Upsale, upsale, upsale!!!
My first workshop took 3 boxes to deliver!!
The first box was my free big shot!!
Supplies in second box
Supplies in third box
Organizing all of the products into customer orders.
Congratulations on your first workshop - looks like you did really well - I'm so happy for you!!! :) I well-remember the giddyness that comes with opening those first boxes...good luck in the future, too! :)